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  1. Get-ClassificationColumn

    Gets all columns for a given database. Syntax Get-ClassificationColumn [[-InstanceName] <string>] [[-DatabaseName] <string>] [[-MaxNumberO


  2. Your first script

    PowerShell API Develop your first PowerShell script from scratch. Listing all clusters monitored by Redgate Monitor 1) Generate an authent


  3. Subsetting example filter clauses

    . --starting-table "[dbo].[Users]" --filter-clause "Id IN (SELECT TOP 25 PERCENT Id FROM [dbo].[Users])" 10 random records This is a Postg


  4. Command-line - info

    of supported configuration parameters. Sample configuration flyway.driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver flyway.url=jdbc:hsqldb:file:/db/flyway_sa


  5. Quickstart - Docker

    a file named flyway.conf, like this: flyway.url=jdbc:sqlite:/flyway/db/test_db.sqlite3 flyway.user=sa Creating the first migration Now cr


  6. Get-ClassificationColumnForFilter

    Gets all columns matching the supplied Filter. Syntax Get-ClassificationColumnForFilter [[-Filter] <Filter>] [[-MaxNumberOfResults] <int>]


  7. DLM Dashboard 1.2 release notes

    of that, in this release we've removed projects and environments - DLM Dashboard now groups databases by server instead. As an added bonu


  8. Subsetting Oracle worked example

    exits with the same tables as the source database and is empty. For instance, you can do this in sqlplus by executing the commands below.


  9. Using Redgate Monitor for the first time

    After you've installed Redgate Monitor for the first time: 1. Open the Redgate Monitor web interface. If you installed the Redgate Monitor


  10. Transferring SA data from mdb to SQL Server

    the 6.11 release we no longer support .mdb databases. If you prefer not to use SQL Server database, you can use SQLite database file inst


  11. Transferring SA data from mdb to SQL Server

    the 6.11 release we no longer support .mdb databases. If you prefer not to use SQL Server database, you can use SQLite database file inst


  12. Your first script

    API Develop your first PowerShell script from scratch. Listing all clusters monitored by SQL Monitor 1) Generate an authentication token.


  13. Migration guide to version 14

    to cmdlets such as Get-RedgateMonitorAlertSettings. PowerShell Alert type name up to v. 13 Alert type name in v. 14 and beyond SqlErrorLo


  14. Getting Started

    dashboard plans. There are currently 3 ways to get Redgate Change Automation: Windows - use the Redgate Deploy


  15. Getting Started

    dashboard plans. There are currently 3 ways to get Redgate Change Automation: Windows - use the Redgate Deploy


  16. Getting started

    SQL Source Control. To learn how to use SQL Source Control as part of a team, see SQL Source Control for teams. To get started: Install S


  17. Tutorial - Dry Runs

    -line tutorial. If you have not done so, please do so first. This


  18. Your first script

    PowerShell API Develop your first PowerShell script from scratch. Listing all clusters monitored by SQL Monitor 1) Generate an authenticat


  19. Upgrading from SA 7 to SA 8

    If you used SmartAssembly 7 and now upgrading to SmartAssembly 8, please be aware of a couple breaking changes. Please follow the instruc


  20. Data Generation PostgreSQL worked example

    and password. If you don't have one already, the easiest way to do this is using pgAdmin Entering pgAd


  21. Your first script

    Develop your first PowerShell script from the scratch.API Listing all clusters monitored by SQL Monitor 1) Generate an authentication toke


  22. Upgrading from SA 6 to SA 7

    If you used SmartAssembly 6 and now upgrading to SmartAssembly 7, please be aware of a couple breaking changes. Please follow the instruc


  23. Upgrading from SA 6 to SA 7

    If you used SmartAssembly 6 and now upgrading to SmartAssembly 7, please be aware of a couple breaking changes. Please follow the instruc


  24. Your first script

    API Develop your first PowerShell script from scratch. Listing all clusters monitored by SQL Monitor 1) Generate an authentication token.


  25. Execution rules

    is searched first, which will be a performance hit. SQL Server identifiers should not have β€˜hungarian notation’ prefixes. EI025 – Executi


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